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... Carrol Shelby Enterprises ~

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:30 am
by conservancy@MHR
... the years go by so fast. Digging through my wallet, today. Back in the day, when Long Beach was still a 213 area code. Nearly 60 years, I've had this in my wallet:

Carrol Shelby Enterprises
3200 E. 69th Street
Long Beach, CA 96805

(213) 551-3830

Kind of a jerk. Never liked the guy. Dialed the number out of curiosity, to see who wound up with it. But, as of this writing, Carrol Shelby's old phone number is unallocated, if anyone out there wants it? It's yours, for the asking -

- Sammy, '88 Supercharged
